Unfortunately, I'm not talking about actual medieval antiques. I can't afford those!
Leider, ich spreche nicht von echte mittelalterlichen Antiquitäten. Sie sind zu teuer für mich!
But I have found some great medieval-esque things at the local brockis to supplement our fun.
Aber ich habe einige großartige mittelalterliche-esque Dinge bei den örtlichen Secondhand-Shops, um unseren Spaß Ergänzung gefunden.
Here's a list of 14 COMMONLY FOUND ITEMS that might save you a pretty penny at the next Mitteralterfest. Hier ist eine Liste der am häufigsten gefundene Gegenstände.:
- Wooden bowls and utensils/Hölzernen Schalen und Geschirr
- Pottery/Tonwaren
- Stained Glass/Farbiges Glas
- Ironware/Eisenwaren
- Natural Fabrics (cotton, linen, wool)/Natürlichen Stoffen (Baumwolle, Leinen, Wolle)
- Leather (both as craft scraps and as an incorporated material)/Leder
- Wood-working (and wood-burning) tools/Holzbearbeitungswerkzeuge (Holzverbrennung)
- Antlers, skulls and horns/Geweihe, Schädel und Hörner
- Leather shoes and sandals/Lederschuhe und sandalen
- Wooden period chairs/antike Holzstühle
- Baskets/Körbe
- Beeswax candles/Bienenwachskerzen
- Silver (imitation) platters/Imitat Silberplatten
- Spinning wheels/Spinnräder
Other things I've found (some very often) include:
- wooden lanterns/Laternen
- candle-chandeliers/Kerze Kronleuchter
- straw hats and bags/Strohhüte und Taschen
- embroidered linens (simple colours - I use one as a picnic blanket)/bestickte decken
- wool blankets/wolldecken
- cow hide rugs/kuhfelle
- antique farm implements (wooden pitchforks, etc.)/antike landwirtschaftliche Werkzeuge
- wagon wheels/Wagenräder
Best Thrift Stores for "Medieval"-look finds:
Brockiland (downtown best for textiles (larger selection), candles, pottery, sewing supplies, wooden bowls and spoons, and stained glass hangings; Fahrweid best for leather, spinning wheels, wooden period chairs, baskets and platters)
Remar (based on one visit only - great for furniture and small home furnishing items)
Blaues Kreuz Brocki Bülach (overall, possibly the best non-clothing thrift store I've ever been in! Very good selection of nice things!). Worth the trip!
Heils-Armee Geroldstrasse at Hardbrücke (UG (basement) has some surprising finds in the "fundgrube" area; on the OG (top floor), quality wool blankets; I definitely saw about 12 mountain goat skulls (unmounted) on the table in the 'art room' once (EG, main floor). Didn't buy one, though should have in hindsight!)
Honourable mentions: Arche Brockenhaus, Hiob - both have great selection in general!
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Glittering leaves for a fairy costume? (Holiday section, Brockiland Fahrweid). Great glass baubles, too. |
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More leather, imitation silk (polyester) and a fox pelt (Brockiland Fahrweid) |
REMEMBER: Dig, duck, reach and move!
- DIG through boxes, even if they contain (at first glance) uninteresting things.
- DUCK low (squat!) and look on the bottom shelf - most old people can't, so that's an advantage to you!
- REACH up and check out the top shelves (and if you're too short, get somewhere high and look down! Stools help!)
- MOVE items that are stacked, and move large items at the front that block the view of things behind.
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